Monthly Archives: August 2008

Heads or Tails Tuesday – Supply

Heads or Tails Tuesday

Okey dokey, since we’re supposed to “think outside the box” on this meme…..well, I’m really out of the box!

The Wii Fit box that is!

The SUPPLY of these new additions to the Nintendo Wii family is limited, but totally worth waiting for. I’ve had a really tough time finding one, but thanks to a friend who works at a local game store, I was finally able to get one, and let me tell you, I’m in love.

The Wii Fit SUPPLIES (ha!) you with the tools to get up off your butt, have some fun, tone your body, and even lose some weight. The balance board is supplied (again, ha!) with the wii fit disc, which includes yoga, strength training, aerobic exercises and balance activities. They make you more aware of your body, check your balance, monitor your weight gain and loss as well as your estimated BMI.

Yoga: These exercises are broken down by your “trainer” (hot girl or dude, who DO NOT move their mouth when they talk which skeeves me) and then you do them together. Nicely done, but I wish I could combine them without stopping one to start another. You know, like a routine. The nice thing about them is that if the exercise itself is challenging for you to do completely, you can modify and work on your balance, which will overall improve everything.

Strength training: Again, all exercises are demonstrated by your trainer, then you perform them. As you move through the “game” you unlock additional reps and times, which adds to the challenge.

Aerobics: This is my favorite (with balance a very close second) section to the game/program. Aerobic activities include hula hoop, super hoop, step, super step, free step, run, long run and boxing. I am in love with the hula hoop and boxing. The hoop requires that you swing your hips while viewing your mii from the back as he/she hula hoops. From time to time, the mii’s watching will throw additional hoops at you which you have to bend over and catch the hoops, which increases your “spin” rate. Too much fun to do, as well as to watch someone else do. The boxing is a BLAST, fun workout, as you box a supplied (lol!) pattern to the beat of the background music. It’s way fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ The free step program supplies you a set number of steps to do during a set time (i.e. 1600 steps in 10 minutes), then counts off a beat in your wiimote. Turn the channel and watch the news (or, like me, turn on sirius 80’s and go to town). The little voice tells you when you reach 100 (200, 300 etc) steps, and encourages you to speed up or slow down as needed. It’s a lot of fun, believe me.

Balance: This portion of the program is just way fun. Snowboarding, skiing, slalom, balance board, tightrope walking, etc. You get points for how well you balance through the challenges. Great for everyone in the family, just for fun.

If you have a wii, and are looking for something fun to supply your family with hours of entertainment, I highly recommend the new Wii Fit program.

This is not a paid advertisement, this is strictly from the heart! ๐Ÿ™‚


Filed under Heads or Tails

Sneak Peek for Kate

From a great photo shoot with dear Aiden. He’s just too cute for words!

Aiden Profile



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Filed under Photography

Laurel Hill Cemetery

As you may or may not know, I have this ….strange and unusual passion? Interest? whatever … with Funerary Art. I’ve photographed many cemetery in my day, and really enjoy the expression and emotion displayed on these hallowed grounds.

Yesterday I took myself on a trip to Laurel Hill Cemetery, and had a wonderful time. Thought I would share just a few of my favorites. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you enjoy.

Laurel Hill Slumber

Laurel Hill Angel 2

Laurel Hill Lion

A personal favorite, the Grave of Mathias Baldwin – Baldwin Locomotive Works

Mathias Baldwin Grave

Laurel Hill Angel

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Filed under Photography

Heads or Tails Tuesday – Manner

Heads or Tails Tuesday Meme – Manner

So our topic this week is “Manner”, and I’m gonna add an “s” to the end of the word, because I’ve been having problems this past week or so with manners.

Not my manners, mind you, as I was raised a Good Southern Girl (note caps) who would never in any way show bad manners. (HA!) ahem. Anywho. The manners in which I speak are of those who would steal cheat and lie…specifically those who have been stealing photos.

You may have noticed that my flickr doohickey over there is all gone. Yep….all. gone. The girl hit defcon 4 this past week when I discovered (yet again) that my stuff was showing up in odd places….this time specifically at a contest at I’M SURE THEY DON’T WANT ME TO MENTION THEIR NAMES but….apparently microsoft and nikon (more on that later) were/are holding a contest at this website to find the most iconic photographs of britain. Sounds fun, right? EXCEPT they don’t really want YOU to take the pictures, they want you to USE THEIR SEARCH ENGINE AND FIND OTHER PEOPLES PICTURES to enter. Yes, you read me right. Can you believe this shit??????? So, off I go to check their site, and there are 6, yes SIX of my photos up there for voting. Including a photo of Dale Earnhardt and Jeff gordon. Uh…helllooooooooooo? Not british. So, after I was able to scrape myself off the ceiling, I wrote them a very polite “cease and desist” letter. Within an hour I had a “gee we’re real sorry” letter, and a statement that they would remove my cited images before final voting. ah ha. Interestingly enough, I also received the following letter from Nikon (yes, it’s the actual txt, signature and e-mail removed).

Dear ,

Nikon would like to confirm that it has withdrawn its support from Microsoftโ€™s Iconic Britain competition. This is due to the feedback and concerns raised by photographers and entrants surrounding the competition mechanic that was developed and promoted by Microsoft.

Nikon will fulfil its prize commitment to the winners, however it will not be associated with the competition going forward.

Microsoft have been notified of your request to remove images. Please rest assured this is being actioned.

We appreciate your feedback, understanding and continued support.

Yours Sincerely

Now, as you may know, I am a VERY loyal Nikon Customer, and was very pleased to see that they had come to their senses and extracted themselves from this disgusting display. Unfortunately, the “searching” has already been disabled, but I encourage you to visit the site when the images come up and make sure that nothing belongs to you. Because, you see, if your photo is chosen, and you didn’t enter it, some shmoe will win a lovely nikon camera based on YOUR HARD WORK. grrrrr.

This coupled with the fact that flickr knowingly allows people to steal photographs through the following programs:

FlickrFan via Flickr API and RSS feeds allows members to download photographs EVEN THOUGH MY SETTINGS ALLOW NO DOWNLOADS!

Mxyrtones/Myxer via Flickr API has enabled a company to SELL AND ALLOW DOWNLOADS OF MY PHOTOGRAPHY in several venues, including to cellular phones without my AUTHORIZATION OR AGREEMENT.

(think I’m angry???? shoulda seen me last week!!!) Needless to say, all my photos have been pulled, and from now on will only be uploaded here in small format with my GIANT logo on them.

For those of you who visit and read me, and are flickr customers, I encourage you to proceed with caution. Use the biggest ugliest watermark you can on your photos, and put it right across something important. One of my pics actually had the watermark cut off the bottom. grrrrrr. Protect yourself. The internet is a big place, and their are a lot of unscrupulous folks out there. Lots of nice ones too, but watch out for the baddies with NO MANNERS!!!

AND for all you folks who will be searching, and stumble on my blog and find this information, before you tell me that I can’t say these things, oh yes I can.ย  It is not slander, it is the truth.ย  Don’t run an illegal contest or maintain poor business practices and I won’t bad mouth you.


Filed under Heads or Tails

Very Cool Award!

My dear friend Tammy sent me this totally fun award, Thank you Tammy! ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award
  2. 4 of them followers of your blog.
  3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
  4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award

I’m going to pass this award to Bridget, Shari Siani Natalie and my buddy Jessica


Filed under award